We have quite the milk-mission over here at True & 12, and the basis for most of our ice cream flavours is indeed farm fresh local milk from happy Bavarian cows.
BUT our Sorbets are naturally lactose free, (plus we never use eggs anyway) making them "Vegan" by accident too.
Our latest fresh Sorbet flavour is a deliciously refreshing carrot orange sorbet.
A little earthy, but mostly sweet and tangy, citrusy, bright and 100% home made.
Indeed, we juice roughly 2 crates of carrots by hand, one by one. Then we juice roughly 4 crates of Spanish oranges: one by one (but we need to take a lot of breaks with the citrus press, because... fun fact: they don't make a commercial citrus press that lasts longer than an hour. We go through at least one a year)
aaaaand then, we churn the freshly squeezed juice into ice cream fresh!
you can really taste the difference...
